Thursday, 19 May 2022
Written by MYTHEO

Recently, the market has taken a turn for the worse with US stocks hitting a new low for the year as market volatility continues. In today’s world, even the savviest investor may struggle to keep track of the rapidly changing market conditions. So how do investors react on time and keep their investment safe?
One of the options is Discretionary portfolio management (DPM), a service where investors let the investment manager build and managed their investment portfolio based on a clearly outlined investment policy in pursuit of their investment goals.
We spoke to Matthew Stuart-Box, Chief Investment Officer of MYTHEO, in our recent #MYTHEOLive webinar: Discretionary Portfolio Management: What Investors Need to Know, to learn more about this way of managing assets.
Here are the 3 key takeaways we think you should know:
1. DPM is very common in US and Europe among wealthy investors as they can delegate the investment work to professionals and spend their time on other things. Asian investors have been slightly less receptive to DPM and many wealthy investors still prefer to invest by themselves.
2. Keeping up with events that can impact the investment portfolio can be difficult and time-consuming, especially for busy people. Using the services of a discretionary manager takes away the headache of constantly monitoring the portfolio, as it means that the manager - rather than the investor- takes the decision on what to buy and sell without seeking instruction from the investor.
3. MYTHEO’s DPM’s proprietary algorithms will automatically tailor and manage your portfolio based on only 5 questions such as age, income, time horizon and risk appetite. Each personalised investment portfolio consists of a diversified basket of equities, fixed incomes and real assets carefully chosen from more than 8,000 ETFs globally. In term of portfolio maintenance, MYTHEO’s algorithm will automatically rebalance and re-optimise the portfolio regularly to ensure it still matches the client’s financial goals and risk tolerance.
With MYTHEO handling the A-Z’s of investing, you just need to sit back and relax.
Find out more about MYTHEO’s discretionary portfolios on our app or website today!