Wednesday, 10 July 2019
Written by MYTHEO
Enjoy free 3 months management fee when you refer someone to MYTHEO during the Promotion Period.
How to Participate:
1. Promotion Period: 8 July 2019 – 30 September 2019.
2. The customer must be a registered MYTHEO Account Holder (“MYTHEOCustomer”) prior to making referrals.
3. A MYTHEO Customer will enjoy free 3 months management fee (“Fee Waiver”) for up to RM1,000 deposited (assets under management) into their MYTHEOaccount for every friend that has been referred to this program.
4. For clarity, if a MYTHEO Customer refers a second friend, the MYTHEO Customer will enjoy free 3 months management fee for the next deposit of RM1,000 (assets under management).
5. For the avoidance of doubt, a referral is considered successful when those being referred (“MYTHEO Referral Customer”) have made a minimum initial investment of RM100 during the Promotion Period, does not have an existing account with MYTHEO prior the Promotion Period and have signed up with MYTHEO via the referral link.
6. To be eligible for the Fee Waiver, MYTHEO Customers and MYTHEO Referral Customers would need to maintain a minimum total amount of RM1,000 for at least six (6) months.
7. The Fee Waiver commences on the seventh (7th) month onwards and the value will be credited as investment funds into the MYTHEO Customers and MYTHEOReferral Customers MYTHEO Account within 14 working days.
For an example: