Thursday, 01 December 2022
Written by MYTHEO

We are pleased to announce that MYTHEO USD Trust Portfolio (MUST) is now available to all!
Aside from the initial switching feature option, the facility can now be accessed via new deposits when accompanied by a deposit into a MYTHEO Omakase or Global ESG portfolio.
However, please keep in mind that the deposits must meet the minimum criteria in a single transaction, which is RM500 for MUST and RM100 for MYTHEO Omakase or Global ESG portfolio.
Additionally please note that no direct withdrawal is allowed for MUST. In order to withdraw, funds need to be moved into a client’s respective MYTHEO USD-based portfolio (such as MYTHEO Omakase or Global ESG portfolio), before proceeding with the withdrawal from said USD-based portfolio.
Learn more about MUST on the webpage here or read the fact sheet here.
In case you missed the launch announcement:
MUST is a USD trust facility that makes it more convenient for investors to minimize risk during market uncertainties and better manage exchange rate fluctuations by allowing investors to keep deposit and investment proceeds in US Dollars.
This means that investors will be ready to take advantage of opportunities when things pick up again, without having to incur any additional foreign exchange risk.
That said, while USD cash is considered a safe haven and does provide a nominal positive yield now, it should be considered as a short-term option.
This is because cash is unlikely to protect against inflation and the erosion of purchasing power in the long-term, leading to a potential negative real return.
Therefore, an allocation to USD cash should be accompanied by an active willingness to redeploy into riskier asset classes at the soonest available opportunity.
This communication is subject to terms available at the following link: