Monday, 21 February 2022
Written by MYTHEO

Rising inflation impacts the real returns on savings and investments. When inflation is high, how can you build or adjust portfolios to seek protection and potential gains?
In our recent MYTHEOLive webinar: Higher Inflation - Where to Put Your Money, our speaker Matthew Stuart-Box, Chief Investment Officer of MYTHEO expects the current elevated inflation is unlikely to go away anytime soon. The high inflation has been driven by increased in energy prices, a combination of strong demand and supply constraints since economies reopened in 2021. Real assets such as commodities, precious metals, real estate and inflation linked bonds tend to keep their value in inflationary environments, thereby provide new sources of income and diversification which will be crucial to dealing with the challenges of rising interest rates and inflation.
How MYTHEO’s Inflation Hedge portfolio can help:-
1. Provide exposure to those key-inflation fighting real assets such as commodities, precious metals, real estate and inflation linked bonds.
2. Built in with AI Assist proprietary algorithm to help reduce downside risk of the portfolio
3. Proven track record with 20.80%* return since inception on 28 June 2019.
*As at 31 December 2021. Past performance is not indicative of future results and no representation or warranty is made regarding future performance.
MYTHEO’s Inflation Hedge portfolio is designed to match and to exceed the Malaysia inflation rate. It can be used as a diversifier to complement traditional stock and bond portfolios due to the less correlated nature of its alternative holdings. Click
here for more info on MYTHEO’s Inflation Hedge Portfolio.Invest in a Moment with, MYTHEO
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